Spectacular Display

We Understood the Outdoor Advertising

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Spectacular Display Sdn. Bhd. was established in 2000 as an Outdoor Advertising company. Since its inception, it has manages various type Out of Home Media comprising billboards, mini-poles, overhead bridges, uni-poles and free standing.The company is 100% Bumiputera owned and run by a team of media specialists with vast experience in the various disciplines with an objective to provide and enhance the business objective of our clients.

Hence, to establish themselves in online marketing, Shayville studio as the consultant and developer generate a customer friendly and fetching website look and feel for Spectacular Display Sdn. Bhd. The website designed as well as the content are alligned with it's business strategy, to draw more customers to their website. A relevant, easy and mobile friendly information is the main goal in the 'front-end and Content strategy’ for the website.

Shayvillestudio role in the project;

  • Website Design
  • Front-end Development
  • Mobile Friendly