DIHNAR Group Sdn Bhd. (DGSB) was started on 19th January 2010. Since its first inception previously as a sole proprietor status led by Ir. Hj. Nazri bin Hj. Ab Razak, the business known as DNAR Engineering started on January 2007. By 19th January 2010, with the spirit of moving the business to the next level, it was converted into a limited company status and achieved its first milestone of RM1 million in unaudited total revenue.
Shayvillestudio were involved from the very first day of DGSB website development which alligned with its business strategy and user’s need and simultaneously developed the brand personas to capture online audience interest. The ‘front-end’ of the site are highlighted with their core business, to make it easy for the clients to capture their forte once they visit the site.
Shayvillestudio role in the project;